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EXHIBITION: The 4 Elements.

2004 Exhibition.

Over a period of 5 weeks I completely refurbished and renovated a derelict army building in order to prepare it for an exhibition of my photographic work. In collaboration with one colleague, I also took all the photographs for this exhibition, prepared them and organised every aspect of the show within the allocated five weeks. This was a large and exciting project to take on and gained great success. The photographs were split into sections referring to each of he 4 elements, and referring to the destruction and beauty they can cause. It was a multimedia exhibition comprising of photo-sculpture, photo-montage, film, slides, reportage photography and portraiture photography. The exhibition was well recieved and appeared in 3 newspapers and on one front page spread.

From this task i have gained superior personal organisational skills, experience in negotiating with large companies and organisations, achieved a high level of interpersonal skills and gained valuable leadership skills.


    In 2006 my study shown on the Real Life page of his website was shown in the Parfit Gallery, Croydon and the film was also shown as part of a film reel in the Croydon Clocktower.