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Fine art work is the work that I create purely for personal reasons. The images are beautiful and often completely staged in order to create a satisfying result.

The image to the right depicts a slight view through the branches of a weeping willow tree. It is from a series i created exploring the idea of gateways and routes into other places. The images represent the idea of a route into the unconscious and are highly fantastical and dreamlike in order to reflect freudian theory of realising your fantasies in your dreams.

The image to the far right is one of a series concerned with allotments. Allotments are places where people choose to spend time alone and away from the bustle of city life, although they are quite often in the centre of a city. I find these places fascinating as a part of peoples desire to escape.

The image to the left is also from a series which i created concerning the idea of masculinity and femininity. It looked at the representation of male and female in gangster films and looked at the possibility of the female being included as a gangster. The images explore theories of the male gaze. They are taken in the style of a film still from a gangster film. The series explores the same image set up with the female in several different positions and poses.